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This quick reference table is designed to address those beliefs which are typically understood as an essential element, or traditional belief, of the community. Some beliefs may be considered as no longer necessary, but are traditionally a part of that community's doctrine. Categories reflect biblical and traditional Christian beliefs.

Trinity? Belief in Only One God? Divinity of Christ? Virgin Birth? Christ's Atonement? The Bible is God's Word? Christ's
Latter Day Saints
Redefined No Redefined Redefined Redefined Yes, if 
by the LDS
Lutheran Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mennonite Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Methodist Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pentecostal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  Yes
Presbyterian  Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Reformed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Roman Catholic Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Salvation Army Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Unitarian Universalist No Varies No No No Varies No
United Church of Christ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  Yes Yes
Unity School of Christianity No Redefined Redefined No Redefined Only one of many sacred books No
The Way International No Yes No No No When 
interpreted  by
the Way founder
Trinity? Belief in Only One God? Divinity of Christ? Virgin Birth? Christ's Atonement? The Bible is God's Word? Christ's

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All rights are reserved.
Copyright: Robert M. Rice Jr.

Copyrights of contributed works are retained by the authors.

Inquiries should be made to rrice02@zdnetmail.com